Supporting efforts that address immediate and emergent health needs & systemic barriers to health.


Using health equity as an overarching principle and lens, Healthy Communities Foundation funds organizations and collaborates on community-led solutions that expand opportunities for all our region’s community members to experience a complete sense of health and well-being.


As a health conversion foundation, we fund a geographic region defined by the original service area of MacNeal Hospital, whose sale in 1999 established our endowment.
Our funding region covers a five-mile radius around the hospital, comprising 27 zip codes where more than 900,000 community members in Chicago and western Cook County suburbs call home. It is an area with diverse and evolving populations, health opportunities, and health outcomes, including zip codes (shaded in green) where community members have experienced health inequities exacerbated by structural racism, the effects of the COVID pandemic, and economic challenges.


Given the complexities and intersectionality of issues our communities experience, we think of ourselves as “weavers” that bring together multiple strands of our grantmaking to help strengthen the health ecosystems that exist in our service region.
Our grantmaking strategies, when woven together, inform each other and our broad vision to improve the health and well-being of residents in our service region.


We practice trust-based philanthropy, which centers transformative grantmaking and how we engage, learn from, and collaborate with community. This approach influences how we steward our Foundation’s resources and continuously evolve our strategies to achieve our mission and vision.